Billabong ISA World Surfing Games
Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica
7 de agosto de 2009
Day 7 of the Billabong ISA World Surfing Games is in the water right now and the waves are amazing. Solid 6 foot barrels are breaking in Hermosa! ENJOY THE LIVE ACTION!
The partial Overall Team Standings show a strong USA lead. The current top five nations are:
1º - USA - 19080 points
2º - Hawaii – 16960 points
3º - Australia – 16720 points
4º - South Africa -15040 points
5º - France -14040 points
Note: The above points show the potential maximum that each team can achieve. The final scores will be always lower
Competition restarts tomorrow at 7:30am, local time (GMT: -06:00), the following rounds will be held:
-Open Men Repercharge: 7, 8 and 9
-Open Men Main Event: 5
-Open Women Repercharge: 5, 6 and 7
-Open Women Main Event: 5
-Longboard Repercharge: 5, 6 and 7
-Longboard Main Event: 4
The contest will be web LIVE everyday at
www.BillabongISAWorldGames.comCheck all the latest Billabong gear online at
HSSsurf.comLabels: Billabong ISA, Costa Rica, World Surfing Games