Have you ever been watching your favorite surfing DVD, and thought to yourself, "This section would be a whole lot better if insert favorite song here was playing."
While you cant yet change the soundtrack to Billabong's newest DVD (Free as a Dog), Billabong and Freestyle Audio have teamed up to let you change the soundtrack of real life...
Yes! the first wetsuit integrated waterproof MP3 player is here.
- Surf to your favorite tunes
- Play music that suits your surfstyle
- Improve your surfing
- Ignore all the kooks around you
Disclaimer: Although it may seem that you are surfing better because Survivor's: Eye Of The Tiger is blaring in your ears, The Billabong Soundwave is not proven to make you a better surfer. Also, just because you can't hear kooks in the water doesn't mean that they wont drop-in on you.
Billabong Soundwave Key Features:
-Holds approximately 160 songs in MP3 format
-Waterproof submergible to 10ft
-Up to 40 hours playtime with charge
-Rechargeable battery
-Lightweight less than 35g
Billabong Soundwave